Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jason and Lauren Osmond - Decorative Towels and Orchards

Osmonds are cool. So very cool. Jason is cool. Lauren is cool. Decorative towels are cool. You'll just have to watch this couple's story to figure out what I mean.

I confess having a more than passing fascination with the Osmond family. I distinctly remember two events from my childhood. One was getting up from bed and asking my parents if I could watch the Donnie and Marie show. They said yes, and I was ecstatic. The other was being down in Provo and stopping off at the now-defunct Osmond Studios. I felt like there was something magical about that day. Driving up to the gates. Very famous Mormons just inside. Can't really explain it.

I do remember too that I met a gal on my LDS mission to Florida that said she joined the church because of the Osmond family. At first I thought that was a little interesting, but she had been a faithful Mormon for 15 years. What I'm getting at is that the Osmond family has a lot of love and I'm sure she felt that.

Jason and Lauren are no different. A lot of love here. Spending a day with these two was really a dream. I wish them all of the best and am so grateful for the opportunity to do this.

Shooting in orchards is way cool too.

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